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10 Questions to Ask Before Weight Loss Surgery

4:02 PM
1. Do I have the right to a weight loss procedure surgical or nonsurgical?

The best candidates for surgery weight loss surgery are people who are severely obese with a BMI greater than 40, 35 to obesity-related conditions, and in some cases, with a BMI of 30 serious comorbidities .

2. What kind of medical tests need before surgery?

Many bariatric surgeons require patients to undergo a complete physical and psychological examinations to ensure that they are healthy for the procedure. Find out what types of tests and examinations, must undergo before surgery

3. What are the risks of weight loss surgery?

The different bariatric procedures are accompanied by many risks, so you will need a detailed summary of all the risks and complications before continuing with treatment. More information about the specific risks beyond the risk of infection, so you can make the most informed decision.

4. How long should I wait to start losing weight after surgery?

Some bariatric procedures, it is easy to lose weight in a couple of weeks after surgery, but may take up to a month with others. Find out what type of calendar to work if you have realistic expectations about the results.

5. Bariatric surgery is reversible?

Only a few bariatric procedures such as laparoscopic gastric banding surgery is reversible and adjustable. Make sure you are comfortable with the idea of ​​having a permanent procedure, and ask your surgeon about weight loss options available.

6. How long is the recovery process after bariatric surgery?

weight loss procedures such as gastric band surgery usually have a shorter recovery process that gastric bypass surgery, and recovery time may vary depending on your health and success of the operation was. Ask your surgeon weight loss that the recovery process is like so you can plan accordingly.

7. Does obesity surgery affect my ability to get pregnant?

Extreme weight loss can affect hormones and is hard to get pregnant. If you plan to have children in the next few years, if you could be at risk for infertility.

8. What are the options for minimally invasive surgery?

There are several methods and techniques used in bariatric surgery, and some doctors prefer to use minimally invasive procedures such as laparoscopic surgery to reduce the response time. With laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon gains access through a small incision in the stomach and a small camera is inserted into the incision to perform the procedure. This speeds up recovery time and may represent a lower risk than more invasive procedures.

9. What diet changes should I do after surgery?

Restrictive bariatric surgery, malabsorption bariatric surgery and combined surgery do require all dietary changes before and after the procedure. Your plan may be limited to liquids and pureed food for several weeks after the procedure. Find out what is recommended diet plan so you know what to expect.

10. Insurance cover bariatric procedures?

Some bariatric surgeons accept payment from an insurance company, while others require the patient to pay out of pocket. Find out what your financing options so you can stay within your budget.

via 10 Questions to Ask Before Weight Loss Surgery
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