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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

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Reasons On Why An Indoor Tanning Lotion Is Important Even With No Contact With The Sun

10:02 AM
By Haywood Hunter

For many years, a golden brown skin, kissed by the sun is seen as proof of a healthy lifestyle. Of course, Caucasians are the main followers of the quest for getting brown, and that is most certainly one of the reasons why this group has the highest instance of skin cancer. Therefore, in recent times, the use of an indoor tanning lotion has become extremely popular.

It is important to realize that these lotions do not provide protection against direct sunlight and that they should never substitute normal protective measures when venturing out in the sun. In fact, indoor tanning lotion is normally designed for use with indoor ultra violet sources such as tanning beds.

Most reputable brands of indoor tanning lotion are designed to take the limitations of sunbeds into account. Ingredients such as copper will cause damage to the acrylic surface of these devices and they are therefore avoided. It is therefore not feasible to use outdoor tanning lotions when using indoor tanning solutions. Each product has a specific purpose and it is better to stick to the recommendations provided.

Individual responsibility is the only thing that can prevent health problems. It is important to understand that all forms of tanning hold certain dangers. The lotions that are use can be beneficial, but it can also be fatal. It is best to gain expert advice on what works and what does not work.

Skin cancer is one of the most prevalent forms of this terrible disease and it is sad that so many people are of the opinion that the use of indoor facilities is safe. This is not the case. It is vital to wear adequate protection and indoor tanning lotion is important for protection in all circumstances where artificial bronzing is sought.

An indoor tanning lotion is the most important weapon against undue skin damage. While most medical authorities warn against cancer, this is not the only concern that should be considered. The skin, the largest organ in the body, deserves care and attention.

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