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Exercise Routines For Women - Workouts For Home Or Gym

8:34 PM


Exercise Routines For Women - Workouts For Home Or Gym

It doesn't take a lot of equipment to get a great workout. It simply takes the right information. There are more ways than ever for women to incorporate exercise into their daily lives and more reasons than ever before that women should find a way to do so. 
Exercise Routines For Women

Recent studies show that American obesity continues to increase. As women age, it becomes more challenging and more important to maintain good health. Fortunately, a wealth of information exists about exercises that can be done at home, at the gym, by beginners, and even for those with limited mobility.

Besides all of the DVDs about exercise routines for women and the latest gym equipment, there are exercises for every major muscle group that can be done anywhere - with or without equipment.
If you want a great exercise routine for home, find exercises that use your body weight as resistance in order to increase muscle. These can include:

Push ups
Jump roping
Kickboxing routines
Stability ball exercises

For a great exercise routine at the gym, try to get in at least three thirty minute sessions of cardio exercise a week and two or three weight sessions per week. When using weights or exercise machines that simulate weight lifting, you'll get more benefit by working alternating muscle groups during each visit. One suggestion:

Work your arms and chest on Monday.
Do cardio exercises on Tuesday.
Work your legs, back and abs on Wednesday.
Do cardio exercises on Thursday.
Work your arms and chest on Friday.
Do cardio exercises on Saturday.

The second week, work your arms and chest on Wednesday and your legs, back and abs on Tuesday and Friday.

This is just one routine you could follow. You can find specific exercise routines for women from many free sources. Start a notebook that you use to document detailed instructions about exercises for every muscle group. Bring that notebook with you to the gym to track the exercises you did and the weights, sets, and reps performed. You'll be better prepared to build a great workout on the spot if you have notes with you in case your favorite machine or set of weights aren't available.

Many exercise examples are available online and variety is the spice of life, as they say. Having a collection of core exercises for women at your disposal gives you an added advantage towards accomplishing your health goals and staying strong.

Erica Stone is a working mother of three who finds two things help in dealing with the hurdles life throws in her way, taking care of her health and writing online. She has recently developed a list of back exercises for women and has created several online blogs including Desert Pond.

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