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One Key Question You Need To Ask In Order To Find the Secret to Losing Weight

2:34 AM


One Key Question You Need To Ask In Order To Find the Secret to Losing Weight

These are some of the most common questions when it comes to weight loss:

Question # 1: Why I can not lose weight?

Ok, so he tried, failed (not just maybe) and now have in your head it's hard. (Incidentally, "treat" means "lack of grace." Next time, do not try to lose weight, do it!) Anyway, if you have not been able to keep his weight under control, the question is, probably on your mind is: "Why I can not lose weight?" Wrong question! It states that you can not do.

Repeat over and over again means you believe you can not do it. If this is your belief, of course, you set yourself up for failure. Success means that his belief is wrong and do not want to be wrong. Do you want to be right! So we still do not lose weight, but you get a great salary while - you get to be right: "Look, I can not lose weight, I told you" Finally! you need to ask an intelligent question.

Question # 2: How I can lose weight?

While this may seem like an intelligent question, it's actually pretty stupid. Everyone knows how to lose weight. It's simple - eat healthier and exercise more! Do not make your problem. Remember this: When the WHY is big enough, how it takes care of itself! So you have to ask why, to find a strong motivation. Once you are motivated enough, you will understand how to do it very easily. When there is a will there is a way!

Question 3: Why do I lose weight?

Although this question is why is still not very motivating. The word "should" usually evokes resistance. In response to this question is likely to repeat the advice you've heard or read somewhere. The doctor says I need to lose weight to avoid a heart attack. A magazine article suggested that health obesity correlates with increased incidence of cancer.

 Her husband has suggested that a thinner version of you could add more brownie points with him. In all cases, if you use an external source for your motivation, you will feel strong and rebellious. Needless to say, it will not produce very successful results.

Question # 4: Why do I want to lose weight?

This is the kind of problem that is more likely to motivate you. This question requires an answer that points to the motivation from within. When the why is big enough, how it takes care of itself! Find reasons that inspire staff and things will fall into place.
Do it for the wrong reasons (eg, to obtain approval of another person), and will be a struggle.

What are the things you will be able to do, what are the feelings you will be able to feel, who would you be and what it means for you if you lost weight?

 If you are really inspired by some of your answers to these questions, use it as a source of motivation. If you do not feel particularly inspired, then either keep looking until you find a big enough why, or face: maybe you do not really want to lose weight.

There is nothing wrong with that. So give yourself permission to be exactly who you are and live feel happy. It is never about the weight anyway.

It's all about what makes you happy.

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