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culinary institutes - "How to Make Stuffed Cabbage Rolls".

10:34 PM


culinary institutes - "How to Make Stuffed Cabbage Rolls".

Cabbage is one of the most popular winter vegetable in Turkey.

There are various cabbage dishes like braised cabbage, borek (a kind of pasta), cabbage soup, cabbage, cucumber and cabbage rolls. Among all these dishes, stuffed cabbage rolls are my favorite and the most common."culinary institutes"

Like stuffed grape leaves, there are different kinds of stuffed cabbage. Sometimes the shape of their rolling changes, but generally has its fill of variety."culinary institutes".

 In fact, rice is the constant part of the filling, but there may be some different approaches. In some regions minced meat is added, in some regions of tomato and some vegetables (we call cabbage rolls / cabbage sarma with olive oil) are added and some other regions is adding brown."culinary institutes".

 I love using olive oil as a main course this is as a snack for me as stuffed grape leaves, so I'll give the recipe here. I have this cabbage rolls last Sunday and ended today. I like it so much that the last role I was so excited while eating."culinary institutes".

 I would advise you to do these roles in large quantities.

Cabbage rolls


• 1 small cabbage
• 1 liter of water
• 1 tablespoon salt

On the filling:

• 2 cups rice
• 4 onions
• 4 medium tomatoes, diced
• 1 green pepper, diced
• 2 onions, diced
• 4 cloves of garlic, sliced
• Half bunch parsley, finely chopped
• 2 lemons, juice
• 1 tablespoon chili paste / tomato red
• 1 teaspoon dried mint
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 1 teaspoon thyme
• 1 teaspoon black pepper
• ½ cup extra virgin olive oil

(If desired, add 200 g minced meat inside.)

Wash cabbage, discard outer leaves removed and disconnect all its leaves.

Put enough water (about 1 liter) in a large pot with 1 teaspoon salt and cook. Place cabbage leaves in boiling water and cook until (after about 3-4 minutes) to take soft (but not too much) when its color is yellow to exit the water."culinary institutes".

Now try to cut into regular shapes. Thick stripes do not use these sheets, so trimming. You can use these pieces in a thick vegetable stew for use the next day.

Have all filling ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
Now get a piece and place it on a flat surface. Put some filling mixture over it and roll up.
Then the form is not so important, just try to shoot well and put a lot of filling, otherwise you'll lose some of them.

Place this stuffed cabbage in a pot leaving the center empty. Pour the aqueous portion of the mixture to the rollers."culinary institutes".

When you finish all the leaves, but still something filling mixture, not throwing.
Put this mixture in a glass container and placed on the square in the center of the rollers. Moreover, if desired, can cut thick pieces and have a container with another cabbage dish.
Put the pan on low heat and cook for half an hour. Then add ¼ cup of water in it and cook for one hour."culinary institutes".

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