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Men's Fitness - Some Essential Dieting Tips

1:35 AM


Men's Fitness - Some Essential Dieting Tips

Diet forms a very vital part of any of men's fitness routines. It forms one half of any weight loss regimen, the other being exercise. Many people go to great lengths to find the perfect diet for themselves. Finding the best diet is a great balancing act for any muscle and fitness routine. Some people might go a little too extreme by drastically cutting down on their calorie intake while at the same time, starving their body of essential nutrients.

Dieting requires that even though we are cutting down on excess calories, we are still consuming the essential nutrients. Even though we might be cutting down the intake of such nutrients, we can find still find them in other sources such as olive oil. Olive oil cuts down low density lipo-protein cholesterol levels. It is advised to use this olive oil for cooking or use it as a spread on whole grain bread associated with oregano.

Salmon contains essential omega 3 fatty acids which are essential for cutting down irritation and the danger of blood clots. It is advised to eat fish such as tuna or sardines at least two times a week in order to take the best advantage of these nutrients.

Oats are another form of food which are rich with dietary fiber and are also good for reducing cholesterol levels. Dietary fiber is good as it keeps the digestive system in check. Without fiber, food would stay in the elementary canal for a longer amount of time, increasing toxins in our body.

Apples are yet another essential dietary supplement that have an anti-inflammatory effect and are also good for reducing the number of clots in the body. Apples contain both vitamins and dietary fiber which are used for keeping the digestive system in check. It is good to have apples with walnuts for a wholesome meal. Almonds are good for keeping one's cholesterol under control.

Nobody likes to eat green vegetables but ironically, they are some of the most beneficial foods on earth. They tend to keep homocysteine amounts down and also contain vitamin E. Also leafy green vegetables have been known to keep memory performance high. It is good to make up a green salad with clean green spinach.

The benefits of red wine have been known since antiquity. It is known to contain polyphenols which are good for maintaining a healthy heart. However it should be used with care as alcohol can be addictive. Just a small dose everyday works best.

Thus we find that there are many foods out there that can make most men's fitness regimens complete. If you are a muscle and fitness enthusiast, you will find these diets good as not only do they not contain a lot of calories but are also good for the heart.

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