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Saturday, August 10, 2013

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More and More Women Are Turning to Kickboxing For Physical Fitness

7:02 PM

Kickboxing is not a 'males only' sport. Women too love kickboxing as they learn to defend themselves in a fun filled way that does wonders to their physical fitness levels. It is a distant remove from the monotonous treadmill running and lifting of weights that keep off women from hitting the gym.

Kickboxing is not only engaging, it kicks starts reflexes instantly like no other physical fitness exercise does and keeps energy levels high all through. Bouts carry enough motivation for women to improve their fitness standards and trim the flab. Usually at the kickboxing gyms the staff sees through the paces and ensures that the women don't get hurt.

The benefits of kickboxing are countless as it has the benefits of all exercises like running, climbing, calisthenics or lifting weights but delivers much more than either of them. If you don't feel like working out in the middle of some exercise, you can always quit. But in kickboxing, there is no respite till the bout is over. Most of the other exercises for physical fitness tend to be too one dimensional in nature.

Kickboxing can not only keep you fit, it can drastically improve your looks and the way you feel. With western boxing styles combined with martial art type of kicks, the sport as a health and fitness aid has grown in popularity among women. With urban crime rate soaring, the need for self defense among women has never been a matter of so much urgency.

Kickboxing delivers large doses of self confidence along with the knowledge of self defense. Women learn the techniques of felling a predator before he can do any harm. Stamina is always on an overdrive in women kickboxers who learn the very active sport.

Usually women land up with calcium shortage problems after menopause and an early initiation into kickboxing can not only tone the muscles for a more shapely you, but also take care of the bones that tend to go brittle with age. Bones do not loose their density when you exercise as vigorously as you do in kickboxing.

You can gorge on your favorite cheese burgers without bothering about fat piling up or arteries getting clogged as you would in less vigorous activities. Stints at the kickboxing gym burn your calories faster like no other sport does in such a short time. You are always on your toes as it also helps to workout all the major muscles in your body at the same time.

Along with a total body workout, you can experience an excellent cardio workout also in all the major kickboxing gyms coast to coast. Flexibility gets difficult and reflexes tend to slow down as women age. However, they can keep both at optimum levels with kickboxing. As cardiovascular fitness improves, so does coordination while having fun.

You can find more information about kickboxing or womens classes you can visit our website or OC Kickboxing & Mixed Martial Arts Gym in Irvine, California.

via More and More Women Are Turning to Kickboxing For Physical Fitness
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