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Skinny Guy Workout - The Best Exercises to Build Solid, Quality Muscle Fast

5:03 PM

Are you looking for a skinny guy workout to build solid, quality muscle as fast as possible? With so much information on different exercises and routines its so easy to get confused and overwhelmed. In this article we will cover the exercises and a proven to work routine so you can pack some quality pounds on to your frame quickly.

The skinny guy workout requirement for building muscle is different to the endomorph and mesomorph (bulkier) guys. You can waste a lot of valuable time by doing both the wrong exercises and routine. Lets take a look at both of these so you can now focus on doing the work required.

~ Skinny Guy Workout Exercises:

- Chest - Flat Bench Press and Flat Dumbbell Bench Press

- Shoulders - Standing Military Press and Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press

- Triceps - Tricep Pushdowns and Dips

- Calves - Standing Calf Raise

- Quadriceps - Back Squats and Leg Extensions

- Hamstrings - Leg Curls

- Back - Wide Grip Chins and Bent Over Barbell Rows

- Biceps - Standing Barbell Curls and Seated Incline Dumbbell Curls

~ Skinny Guy Workout Routine:

Train each muscle group with a recuperation period of at least 72 hours between body parts. Effective way to do this Mon-Wed-Fri or Tues-Thurs-Sat and alternate these 2 routines:

- Chest - Shoulders - Triceps then next workout will be Legs - Back - Biceps. Next workout back onto Chest - Shoulders - Triceps and so forth.

Stick religiously to these exercises to give you the best possible strength and muscular gains. The "push - pull" routine we have given you here has been tried and tested for proven results for skinny guys for decades.

Nobody ever said it was going to be easy to build muscle when you are a skinny guy. The good news is that by following these guidelines you'll be on your way to achieving your goals.

If you are serious about building solid, quality muscle fast then for a more detailed, step-by-step plan please visit []

Barry Cross has 30 years experience in bodybuilding/health/fitness and the weight loss arena.

via Skinny Guy Workout - The Best Exercises to Build Solid, Quality Muscle Fast
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