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Friday, August 16, 2013

May one of these solutions help you? Plz choose just one solution:

The Ideal Fitness System For Men

1:32 AM

By now you should know the top four things that will help you transform your physique. If you forgot, let me remind you. They are weight lifting, cardio, nutrition and motivation. Let's get started by discussing weight lifting...

Here is the most important factor that you need to know...

Weight lifting means training all of you muscle groups. Not just the show muscles like the arms and chest. I see too many guys spend over use the bench press and overlook their skinny legs. Trust me, women notice this and they laugh behind your back.

But this is not the only reason to include training your legs in your workouts. You see, the legs are one of your bodies biggest muscle groups. Whenever you train your legs, you burn tons of calories during that time. Since muscle is the catalyst to the whole fat shrinking, metabolism boosting process, it is in your best interest to grow and keep all that you can.

Now with that said, let me give you some great tips to put you on the right weight lifting path...

* Tip #1 Begin Smart. If it's been a while since you lifted, there is no need to attempt lifting more weights than you should because you will most likely suffer an unnecessary injury. It's best to start with a weight that you can easily do 15 -20 reps with. Follow this protocol for two weeks before you increase your poundage.

* Tip #2 Your training progression is vital to your success, so after two weeks, you can start using heavier weights and doing 8-10 reps for 2-3 sets. That means, choose a weight that you can lift at least 8 times and guess if you can make it to 10. This will be a good weight for you.

* Tip #3 No egos allowed. Don't look in the gym a worry what everyone else is lifting. Don't try to impress anyone. You are there to focus on the job at hand. That is doing each rep with good form and technique. No swinging. If you find yourself doing so, lighten the load.

* Tip #4 Design a routine that is reasonable. I recommend that you train three times a week, training your entire body each time. Do two to three exercises per body part with a rep range from 8-12 reps per set. Make sure that you include multi-joint exercises like, the squat, dead lift and bench press. These use many muscle groups which means you will burn more calories.

* Tip #5 Recover. Contrary to popular belief, muscles are grown in the kitchen and in the bedroom, not on the workout floor. Make sure that you get plenty of sleep at night to help your muscles recover from your exercise efforts.

The above fitness tips are just a small sample of what my members receive from my new membership website called, The Ideal Fitness System. I strongly suggest that you take a look at it. It is packed with great information that is tailored just for men who want to be better.

Tod Elliott is a veteran personal trainer and former pro bodybuilder. Todd has helped many men across America transform their physiques. He has taken men from fat to fabulous. From skinny to sculpted and he can do the same for you. For more detailed assistance, and to sign up for his Free 7-Day E Course, visit and take a look at The Ideal Fitness System today.

via The Ideal Fitness System For Men
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