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Fast Weight Loss in 7 Easy Steps

7:03 PM

Ideally, we would all like a fast fix solution to lose those unwanted pounds. All the so called fast weight loss diets are often difficult to maintain over a long period of time and are generally unhealthy.

Weight loss can be aided and speeded up without any ill effects to your health by a few basic musts.

1) Water is a must.

Water is recommended to help your body burn fat. By drinking a minimum of 1.5 litres of water a day you will help get rid of excess water retained in the body. If you can manage more, all the better, but don't be too excessive.

2) Too much sugar is a must not.

Blood sugar levels are raised by white sugar, causing a rise in the secretions of insulin in the pancreas which reduces the blood sugar to normal. Much damage can occur in the body if too much fluctuation occurs.

Try to find alternatives to white sugar where possible in your diet. If you need that fix of sweetness, try fruit or agave nectar which is low glycemic.

You will be surprised how much difference even halving your sugar intake can make. No need to deny yourself of sweetness, just try to find something alternative that is healthier.

3) Sodium aids water retention.

By reducing your sodium intake you will be surprised at the difference it can make. Too much sodium makes us retain water, which means weight increase, so by reducing the sodium intake it helps in the loss of weight. Sodium is also responsible for the increase in blood pressure to name but one.

4) Starvation is a must not.

It is often believed that reduction of food intake to virtually nothing weight loss is increased. This is not the case, our bodies go into storage mode, therefore slowing down the metabolic rate as a preservation.

'Grazing' throughout the day of low/calorie, lean foods is much more beneficial. This will help maintain energy levels by keeping metabolism running more efficiently thus helping to burn fat and reduce weight. You will feel much more satisfied throughout the day, keeping you free from hunger.

5) Calorie burning, a must.

Exercise is known for it's calorie-burning power, particularly cardio exercise. In order to lose 1 pound in weight you can either cut your calories by 3500 or lose the same by way of cardio exercise. By reducing your daily calorie intake by 250 and burning off 250 daily in cardio exercise, the combination, (1750 weekly)of each, a weight loss of 1 pound can be achieved.

Do not lose heart if some weeks you do not lose as much as often another week you may lose more.

6) Fiber is a must.

Weight loss can be increased with extra fiber in the diet. High fiber foods help to slow down the absorption on sugar, reducing the up and down effect in blood sugar levels. A high fiber diet also is beneficial for the healthy functioning of the digestive system. Waste is eliminated much more easily, keeping the intestines clean and functioning well.

7) Stress reduction is a must.

Cortisol, a hormone present in a stressed body situation is a contributory factor in the build up of body fat. If you can manage stress levels, you are more likely to lose weight quicker. What we would not all give for a stress free life, but we all suffer at some time. Why not try yoga or meditation, just a few minutes a day will be beneficial to reduce stress levels.

There's no reason you should be embarrassed about your weight problem. click here to get the information you need to effectively start your dieting regime.

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