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Saturday, September 14, 2013

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Get Hopeful Fibromyalgia Relief Through Chiropractic Care In Grand Rapids

11:03 AM
By Frank Carbart

People who experience pain over their whole bodies may be suffering from fibromyalgia, a serious illness which is hard to treat. Inability to sleep properly and impaired movements often result, so that sufferers are very grateful for anything which can lessen the pain. A concerned Grand Rapids chiropractic therapist has developed techniques which may provide some relief.

A major problem is that what causes this condition is still a mystery, and diagnosis can be difficult. This condition is often associated with other problems such as arthritis, IBS or a host of others. This makes it difficult to identify and interferes with any attempts at treating it.

Because it is so hard to pin the problem down, assisting the body to heal can be a problem. Symptomatic approaches using prescription drugs provide only temporary relief at best, and present many dangers. A drug-free approach should therefore be preferred.

Chiropractic therapies do provide some relief, but the results are not as spectacular as usual. However, the fact that there is an improvement initially and that further improvement occurs over time is very heartening to sufferers. This is far superior than that achieved using most other methods.

To deal with this condition, chiropractors usually combine many techniques to bring about overall improvement in the nervous system. Different patients respond to different techniques, so a variety is helpful. This is a more generalized approach rather than the targeted one customarily employed, but the cause cannot be identified accurately enough for the preferred method to be adopted.

Almost 5% of American women, mostly older but including some children, suffer from this disease. These numbers have encouraged a Grand Rapids chiropractic practice to join the struggle, as they can hope to make a meaningful difference. Anybody in the vicinity with this condition would be likely to find a consultation encouraging.

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