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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

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Why You Should Choose I Natural Tanning Lotion

10:02 AM
By Haywood Hunter

There was a time when a tan was looked down upon. During the agricultural era before industrialisation it was considered the sign of someone lower class. However in modern times it evokes someone who enjoys travelling and is generally a sign of someone who is healthy and enjoying the sun. If you want to get a treatment that gives you that authentic sun kissed look then you should consider I Natural Tanning Lotion.

The way this type of product works is by speeding up natural processes. When applied it encourages the production of melanin. This is the pigment that affects the colour of the skin, causing it to darken when exposed to sunlight or the UV lights used in sunbeds.

The process of tanning starts with a pigment called melanin. This is what causes the skin to go darker when exposed to sunlight or artificial UV light. Combining this with a lotion allows you to get this look but in a more natural way. Furthermore it means fewer visits to a tanning centre, saving you money on professional services.

Skin products ought to keep the skin properly moisturised in order to keep the surface healthy and maintain a youthful, hydrated look. This is especially important with tanning products because moisturised skin tans better than skin that has been dried out as a result of an exposure to the wrong types of ingredient. The danger of using a product that contains parabens or mineral oil is that over time it dries out the skin and therefore it becomes harder to get the intended effect.

Another benefit is that with the right type you can also make your skin healthier, moisturising the skin and slowing the effects of light exposure. The right blend of ingredients is important. This is because it helps to maintain the melanin in your skin. In effect it is not fake, merely enhancing a process that occurs anyway!

While there is nothing wrong with using salon beds occasionally over a long term period you should avoid using them too often. As with sunlight excessive exposure can mean you are more at risk of skin cancer. Therefore you want to minimise the use of this in order to get the full benefit.

This is something that ought to be explained to you when you visit a professional salon. They can also offer advice on the kind of lotion to use. You should choose one that is closely matched to your individual skin type. This will prevent that neon effect that comes from using one that is several shades darker than your natural tone.

The crucial thing to remember is that I Natural Tanning Lotion should not really be described as a fake tan. This is because it accelerates the process that naturally occurs in your body. Look online to compare products and get customer reviews to find the ideal product to suit you and your skin type.

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