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The Need For A Good Face Sun Cream

11:34 AM


The Need For A Good Face Sun Cream

By Haywwod Hunter

Many years ago it was very unfashionable to have a suntanned face. A tan meant that you were a peasant who worked outside all day. The rich had to have pale, flawless skin to show their higher status. It was only in the first half of the twentieth century and thanks to fashion designer Coco Chanel that tanned skin became popular. However, there are some serious health risks to tanning and to stay safe, you should invest in a good face sun cream.

You need some sunlight on your skin for your body to produce vitamin D. Without this vitamin, you are at risk for bone diseases. However, too much sun causes your skin to age prematurely and you are at risk for skin cancer as well. This is especially true in sunny climes and where the ozone layer is at its thinnest, which explains the high incidence of skin cancer in Australia and South Africa.

The harmful rays from the sun are called ultraviolet rays and there are two types that you should watch out for. The ones that cause wrinkles and other signs of aging are UVA rays. They break down collagen in your skin, causing it to lose its elasticity. The rays that color the skin are UVB rays. Too much exposure to these rays causes sunburn and, eventually, skin cancer. A good sunscreen will protect your skin from both types of ray.

There are many reasons why you should wear a sunscreen formulated specifically for facial skin. This skin differs from the skin on the rest of your body in that it's more sensitive. It also tends to be more oily and prone to breakouts caused by a cream that is too rich. In addition, you can wear protective clothing on your arms or legs but unless you wear a burqa or a hockey mask, your face will still be exposed.

After you've applied moisturizer in the morning, apply about a quarter teaspoonful of facial sunscreen. Less than this amount won't provide the protection you need. Then apply the cream again as the day progresses, especially if you're going to be outdoors.

There are some other points to remember as well to reduce exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays. These rays are stronger between about ten o'clock in the morning and two o'clock in the afternoon, so this is a good time to stay indoors. If you have to go outside, wear a hat with a wide brim. Also remember that at higher elevations or where there are reflective surfaces like water or snow, the risk of damage by ultraviolet rays is higher.

While pale skin is healthier, tanned skin gives you a healthy-looking glow. Luckily there are ways to get this effect without damaging your skin or your health. A good bronzer can do instant wonders but if you want a longer-lasting effect, you may want to invest in a special self-tanner for facial skin.

You may want to try out various face sun creams before deciding on the one you like best. There is such a huge variety that you will find one that suits your pocket and your skin. Taking two minutes extra every day to apply the product will save you much agony in the long run.

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