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A Guide To Getting A Fake Suntan

12:17 PM


A Guide To Getting A Fake Suntan

By Haywood Hunter

Before, the beach would be crowded with sunbathers who wanted to get a darker complexion. Today, one will not see as many sunbathers as before because of the growing awareness of the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays that come from the sun. Nowadays, people have become more aware of their health and have switched to getting a fake suntan instead.

A fake suntan produces the same results as a real with the only difference that one does not need to go under the sun. Having a fake suntan is without a doubt a healthier alternative because there is absolutely no exposure to any of those harmful UV rays. The best part is that the beauty industry has come up with a lot of services and products that will satisfy the needs of many consumers.

Definitely the best place to avail of this a great fake suntan would be none other than the salon. Salons would usually have experts that would know how to tan the body properly without making it look horrid. They make use of a special type of technology called airbrushing in which a spray painter is used to slowly squirt out substances that will make the skin have a darker tone.

Of course not everybody can afford a fake suntan at salons, which is why many people prefer to have their fake suntan it at home. To have a fake suntan at home, one must simply have the self tanner and some moisturizing cream. Put a few drops on the moisturizing cream and apply the solution all over the face and neck areas.

After the face and neck are done, it is time to concentrate on the rest of the body. Before continuing with the fake suntan process, take a bath with some body scrub to exfoliate the skin and shave of any body hair that can be seen. When that is done, the self tanner can then be applied on all the other body parts that are to be tanned.

For the people who do not like to use manufactured products, there is still a way to get the fake suntan with natural products. The most popular way would be to boil some tea with some sesame oil inside. Once the concoction is fully boiled and hot, it can be applied on the body. Because of the natural darkening effects of tea, the body will be able to absorb the contents and eventually gain a darker tone.

Now there will definitely be times where in one will make a mistake while doing a fake suntan. When this happens, do not fret because it is not something that cannot be remedied. If the tan is way too dark, all one must do is to simply apply some toothpaste or lotion on the affected areas and wait a few days for the color to lighten.

So basically, those are some ways on how to get a fake suntan. Getting a fake suntan is definitely better than frying under the sun because the latter may actually cause skin cancer. So if one would want to avoid getting skin cancer, then do not stay out in the sun for too long.

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