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Chief Information On Sun Soak Self Tanner

7:00 PM


Chief Information On Sun Soak Self Tanner

By Haywood Hunter

There are numerous questions that abound on the application of the sun soak self tanner. Some of these are asked by people who have never used these tanning methods before but are interested in doing so. Others are asked by folks who have used them in the past but did not get the expected results. A brief discussion on the different forms available in the market followed by a laid down procedure will assist users get the best results.

Bronzing of the skin can be done through the use of bronzers or tanners. Bronzers are cosmetic in nature and wash off easily just like normal make-up. Sun soak self tanner on the other hand stain the skin and fade over time when the skin cells slough off. Sun soak self tanner falls under the category of tanners.

Bronzers are available in several forms and are good to spice up the looks for the atypical special occasion. They are applied on the legs, face, arms and body to give a beautiful golden glow to the user. They come in form of powders, gels, sticks and sprays. Sun soak self tanner also comes in form of a mousse, in addition to these other types.

Some tanners tan the skin gradually while others do so rapidly. Having a clear thought-out plan on personal wants helps one come to a conclusive decision. After the purchase of the best sun soak self tanner, there are a few things to be done before its application. These help ensure that the sun soak self tanner rises evenly and lasts longer.

The implication of this is that if one plans to go out, application should be done several hours in advance to allow for setting. Sun soak self tanner lasts for about three to seven days from the date of application. As the skin cells slough off, the sun soak self tanner fades. One way of ensuring that the tan lasts longer is by having a body scrub prior to application of the tanner. By doing this, the tanner is applied on new skin which will take longer to fall off.

Wax or shave a day prior to application of the sun soak self tanner. Exfoliate the skin and take a shower shortly before applying the sun soak self tanner. This allows the tan to go into the skin evenly. Special attention during exfoliation should be given to drier body parts such as the hands, feet and elbows. This is to prevent the sun soak self tanner from settling deep inside the creases and giving an orange appearance.

Sun soak self tanner contains moisturizers so do not moisturize or use lotions and deodorants after taking a shower. Doing so will interfere with its absorption. The only exception however to this rule is the dry areas such as the feet and elbows. Using a little quantity of moisturizer on them reduces the incidence of the tanner soaking in and darkening more than on the rest of the body.

Wear a shower cap on your head and gloves on your hands. Shake the bottle of sun soak self tanner well and apply contents evenly on skin using circular movements. Finish last with hands taking care not to apply on the palms. Following these simple steps guarantees that a person achieves a beautiful golden look after application of sun soak self tanner.

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