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Sunday, October 6, 2013

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Facts About Instant And Painless Tan From Sun Laboratories Ultra Dark Self Tanning Lotion

10:05 AM
By Haywood Hunter

The natural Caucasian skin tone is white and sometimes pale, if not reddish. Contrary to some Asian race with darker skin tone, who desire products to be fairer, most people in the west crave for products with the opposite effects. In this regard, Sun Laboratories Ultra Dark Self Tanning Lotion was introduced in the market for this very reason; to darken the epidermal complexion without the harmful effects.

The cheapest way of getting skin tan which is commonly available to most people is sunbathing. Though it is free of cost, it is paid with time and tolerance to pain of the heat and sunburn. A less painful way is available anytime via tanning booths or beds which emits UV rays using ultraviolet emitting lamps. Lastly, the use of self-tanning products and other sprays of the same make.

The energy from the sun is composed of different wavelengths making up the lights both visible, and non visible spectrum. Some are beneficial and harmful to different species. Visible light makes our eyes function, the Infra Red frequency carries heat and the Ultraviolet frequency is responsible for most skin problems when exposed for longer periods.

For a mocha skin texture at any time of the year, the Sun Labs Ultra Dark Tanning Lotion is one of the most sought after product on most cosmetic stores shelf. Achieving a darker color by the use of chemicals on the skin, without the aid of UV rays is called sunless tanning. This miracle formula contains substances that interact with the outer skin cells and creating a darker pigment as a byproduct that stays on the skin for several days before it sheds out as the cells are constantly renewed.

Sun laboratories came up with a solution to this upcoming necessity for western people who desire to achieve a bronze-like complexion. Gisela Hunter pioneered the research 1983 for her vision of creating a way for darkening the skin at any time of the year, without the hazards brought about by over-exposing ones self under the sun. After 29 years, the family owned business already has its own research and production facility.

The most active ingredient in self-tanning lotions is Dihydroxyacetone; a sugar compound that reacts with the outer skin cells and produces a color change. Sun Labs Ultra Dark tan lotion does exactly this procedure. As attested by most users, there are no animal based proteins that contribute to weird smells. Instead, this lotion is more of a cherry-cola scent combination.

Summer is the time of the year in some countries where white and pale skinned people get to take advantage of vacation and tanning under the sun. But for those who live in geographical areas where the sun is not available year round, this product is the best alternative. Even in the winter season, it still delivers a non-pale tone.

Even if it is summer, most people are not always available to stay out under the sun for a period of time. They are either working or engaged in more productive activities which do not give them the luxury of time to do the tanning naturally. The introduction of Sun Laboratories Ultra Dark Self Tanning Lotion is a great alternative to the natural procedure minus the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

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via Facts About Instant And Painless Tan From Sun Laboratories Ultra Dark Self Tanning Lotion
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