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Glenside PA Dentist Helps Alleviate Tooth Pain Quickly And Efficiently

11:30 AM


Glenside PA Dentist Helps Alleviate Tooth Pain Quickly And Efficiently

By Harriett Simington

Toothache is a common occurrence and can prove most debilitating if not attended to in an efficient manner. Whenever severe tooth pain is experienced, it is best to visit the dental professional. The Glenside dentist advises on the following tips to assist in the alleviation of oral discomfort quickly.

The dental professional will complete an oral examination to determine the source for painful symptoms. X-rays may be required to clarify the source for toothache and the best approach for relief. The options for alleviating tooth pain range from dental products and regular hygiene to fillings and possible invasive surgery.

Where teeth are sensitive to hot and cold applications, there are a number of effective products available to prevent discomfort. Toothpastes and mouthwashes have been formulated to manage sensitivity and associated pain. The dental professional may advise on the best ranges including cavity fighting properties for a strong and healthy smile.

Where discomfort is the result of cavities, fillings will be recommended to achieve relief from irritation. The dental professional will proceed to numb the area and proceed to clean it in order to remove all of the decaying material. Once the tooth has been cleaned it is then filled and a reduction in pain will be noticed.

A large number of symptoms can be caused by problems with the tooth root where it may best be resolved with a root canal. In such cases, the area will be numbed and a small hole drilled into the tooth to remove all of the dead tissue. The cleared tooth will be filled and sealed to prevent debris from irritating the previously exposed nerve.

An assessment of the condition of gums will be required to determine whether infection is present and causing pain. The Glenside dentist will recommend suitable techniques to maintain the condition of your smile. Individuals will need to continue to practice optimum oral care to prevent the development of cavities and future decay.

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