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How To Get Safe Herniated Disc Relief With Chiropractic In Redding

12:15 PM


How To Get Safe Herniated Disc Relief With Chiropractic In Redding

By Eve Briner

The experience of weakness, pain, and discomfort in the limbs often serves as an indication that a herniated disc may be present. While not all herniations will cause painful symptoms, inflammation and swelling can develop impacting on regular nerve and joint function. The Redding chiropractor can determine whether such injuries are present and the best steps to take towards recovery.

The vertebral discs contain soft tissue, nerves, and fluid. Injury to these delicate joints can result in obstructions and an inability for the discs to receive adequate nourishment from the vertebrae. The outer ring will begin to tear, causing the softer inner portion to protrude and cause the herniated disc.

Slipped discs are often the result of subluxations where the vertebrae of the spine have become misaligned due to injury or poor posture. The formation of the bulge will place additional pressure on sensitive nerves, causing irritation and restricted function. The poor operation and restrictions of tissues will impede the ability to perform regular tasks.

To determine whether a bulging disc is present, the practitioner will require a physical examination and assessment of symptoms including pain, numbness, and weakness in the arms and legs. Many have also described numbing in the groin and excruciating pain while lying down. An inability to straighten the neck or back after bending movements may indicate herniation.

There are various therapies that are offered based on client needs to ensure that recovery processes are supported. Subluxations are addressed with spinal adjustment methods to return the vertebrae to its original and aligned state. Techniques can aid in developing the appropriate nerve functioning and greater mobility.

Conventional medicine focuses on surgery to correct herniated discs, but this may not always prove successful and contributes to lengthy recovery. The Redding chiropractor offers safe and efficient alternatives to address patient needs. Spinal adjustments, decompression, and the correction of subluxations are offered with chiropractic care for individual health and wellness.

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