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Certain Stuff To Know About Sunless Tan Sprays

11:30 AM


Certain Stuff To Know About Sunless Tan Sprays

By Haywood Hunter

Exposing a beautiful and natural tan is a very popular trend among celebrities and not only. People with a very light skin are also looking to obtain a darker skin color, using various ways. The traditional way get a tanned skin is exposing to sun. But a prolonged exposure can do more harm to the skin, and can increase the probability of a skin cancer. An alternative to sun exposure are the sunless tan sprays, available in various formats. Tan sprays are just one example of sunless tanning products.

With sunless tan sprays the result can be obtained instantly. This makes the product ideal for those interested to expose a natural tan color during all seasons of the year. Tan spray is a best solution to obtain a natural and uniform bronze color. The big advantage is that these types of tan sprays can be easily used at home to tan the skin or just to maintain the color obtained in a professional saloon.

Using a tan spray instead of a sunless tanning lotion can bring some advantages. The first one is the uniform coverage, with no-rub application. This can be easily used by anyone at home, even for the hard to reach places, as the back or example. A tan spray usually dries in maximum 5 minutes, will not clog pores, oil free and usually available in medium or deep tint.

The chemical composition of a tan spray is based on sugar, which is working with the skin's natural chemistry. The effect is a natural and beautiful tan, without risking harmful effects of the sun rays. Celebrities are the biggest users of sunless tanning sprays. Some have reported to have their own tanning spraying machine, and trained assistants to help them use it.

Researchers from the American Academy of Dermatology are sustaining that the active ingredient responsible for the tanning effect from tan sprays is the dihydroxyacetone (DHA). The substance is a derivate of glycerin that increases the melanin production. Melanin is the substance responsible for the darkening of skin's cells.

DHA does not have a toxic effect, at this interacts only with the skin's dead cells. As these cells are being removed from the skin's surface regularly, the effect of the spray will not last more than five or seven days. German researchers are those that have discovered DHA in late 1920, and the use of this ingredient in the cosmetic industry started more than 30 years ago.

Tan sprays and many other cosmetic products having DHA as main ingredient, should be used only externally. Lips and any other area that is covered with a mucous membrane should be avoided when using the tan sprays. The surface around eyes is another sensitive area, and here products should not contain color additive, unless the circumstances are allowing its use.

Sunless tanning products are the perfect solution to obtain a natural and smooth tan. But people using these products should know that these sprays are offering no protection against UVA rays. Therefore when exposing to sun, tan sprays have to be replaced with specific sunscreen products.

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