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Sun Self Taning Lotion Ultra Dark Instant Tint Products

10:17 AM


Sun Self Taning Lotion Ultra Dark Instant Tint Products

By Haywood Hunter

Sun Self Taning Lotion Ultra Dark Instant Tint works extremely well for all skin types. Sun Self Taning Lotion Ultra Dark Tint provides a darker tan shade and is one of the most exciting tanning products available. This rich, natural looking, dark self tan lotion produces a beautiful bronze tan after just three hours that will last for up to seven days.

Sun Self Taning Lotion Ultra Dark Instant Tint is designed to provide the most natural looking colored tan within just three hours. It has a unique built-in bronze enhancer that produces a deeper, darker tan that will last for several days. Sun Self Taning Lotion Ultra Dark Instant Tint is excellent at providing a darker tan than most other tanning products, which is a look that is very popular right now.

Sun Self Taning Lotion Ultra Dark Instant Tint is not greasy and is fast drying; it creates deep long lasting tan. The products also nourishes the skin and enhances the skin's elasticity. Using Sun Self Taning Lotion Ultra Dark Instant Tint on a regular basis will give you a rich and prolonged tan.

Sun Self Taning Lotion Ultra Dark Instant Tint creates a nice deep and dark tan on the body and face, it uses a sugar formula to create a natural bronze color that appears in about three hours. There are no streaks or patches and the lotion hydrates the skin and provides protection.

Sun Self Taning Lotion Ultra Dark Instant Tint contains the ingredient DHA, which is perfectly harmless. DHA produces a chemical reaction with the skin's outer layer in a similar way to direct sunlight. The lotion does not use a stain and the skins pigments are not affected. The lotion contains all natural sugars that produce a dark and deep tan.

Before applying Sun Self Taning Lotion Ultra Dark Instant Tint it is a good idea to exfoliate the skin all over your body. This is best done in the shower with a good quality scrub. Exfoliating is important because it will remove dead flaking skin that is due to fall off, otherwise the DHA with react with this and you will find yourself with parts of your body that are no longer tanned.

Another trick is moisturize your body after exfoliation, a moisturizing cream or lotion can be used. This helps the tan sit well so it looks smooth and natural. It is also recommended to moisturize your body in between using Sun Self Taning Lotion Ultra Dark Instant Tint, which will help future self tans.

The lotion can be reapplied once it begins to fade, which is usually after approximately one week. Self tanning lotions are a fantastic alternative to sun-beds or sun-bathing, and there is no risk of skin cancer or other health issues. Do a search on the internet for Sun Self Taning Lotion Ultra Dark Instant Tint and get yourself a great product and a superb deal on this fantastic tanning lotion.

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